Three Ways Entrepreneurs Can Fail Smarter

There is no sure-fire way to prevent failure, but one can always fail smarter. Entrepreneurs fail smarter by understanding the basics of their term sheet, understanding how much capital is needed, and having an exit plan.

Recruit This Rock Star If You Want to Raise Money Fast

There is nothing wrong with recruiting a “banker” type to help you research the market, build a financial model, defend your valuation, and assist you with your investor selection and investor pitch. But in the end, the investor is evaluating you as a person.

How to Think Like a Winner When You Feel Like a Loser

A winner is a loser who was relentless in his or her pursuit of success. Life is hard. 80% of companies started today will fail. As entrepreneurs, we must constantly arm ourselves with the tools needed to maintain our sanity and thrive. We must constantly remind...

3 Traits of Insanely Successful Entrepreneurs

While advising entrepreneurs over the past six years, I observed distinct patterns amongst insanely successful entrepreneurs. I observed that those who experienced the most dramatic trials and tribulations in their formative years, were the best suited for managing...

When VCs Say No

Venture capital investing decreased by approximately 30% from 2011 to 2012. This left many companies unable to secure funding. So, where do companies go when VCs say no?

Why Good Companies Fail

One of the top reasons companies fail is that they run out of money. That seems easy to avoid, right? Oddly enough, many entrepreneurs do not have clarity around their revenue sources and even fewer have a strong grasp of their operational costs. How can so many...

The 11 Slides You Need to Sell Your Vision

Delivering a compelling pitch is Step 0 in building your company. Whether you are pitching to a customer, an investor or a potential hire, you need to sell your vision with clarity, passion, and conviction. Listed below are the 11 slides you must have when pitching to...

Forget E-commerce. Focus on Brick and Mortar.

The Power of Bricks I heard an interesting statistic at the Decoded Fashion event in NYC last month — 95% of high fashion purchases are done in brick and mortar stores. This bit of knowledge may lead brands to believe that they should shutter online stores and...